Our activity represents a very valuable environmental improvement, since a recovered container means avoiding emissions into the atmosphere for an approximate equivalent of 32 Kg of CO2 on average for each reused unit. We therefore ensure that economic savings and respect for the environment go hand in hand.

This is an activity whose objective in terms of CSR focuses on reducing both the input of virgin materials and the production of waste. In this way, the economic and ecological flows of resources are closed.

In short, it is a new economic and social system with a primary objective.

Environmental CSR

Minimize the CO2 footprint

At Innoplast Levante we reduce the generation of waste and emissions and promote recycling. Our CSR involves taking care of the environment with small measures to achieve big objectives.

Before starting our activity in 2011, a large part of the end-of-life plastic containers were destined for landfills and were not even revalued by local recyclers. To this day there is still a certain lack of knowledge about the possibility of repairing containers using plastic welding, as well as carrying out the replacement of used containers and spare parts and therefore lowering their operating costs.

The recovery of containers versus the manufacture of new containers represents a saving in CO2 emissions into the atmosphere of approximately 36 kg, in addition to the consumption of fossil fuels from the virgin raw material used.



Human CSR

Committed to employment

The creation and improvement of the quality of employment and the development of human capital are part of the social responsibility of our company, since we contribute to a more prosperous and equitable society.

If we compare the demand for human resources of a container manufacturing company, where production is highly automated versus our activity that has a high degree of manipulation, we find a ratio of 600% in demand for labor versus a maker.


CSR Economy

Towards a circular economy

Our production model is included within the so-called Circular Economy, as an emerging form of Green Economy, since it is responsible for producing products that at the end of their life cycle can be reused, improving their durability and contributing to the waste reduction, since materials extracted from the environment can be used again in a cyclical manner, thus improving current environmental conditions. From here we deduce the importance of a Circular Economy.

Our container repair and recovery activity has always been focused on providing savings in our clients' operating costs compared to the alternative of replacement with new and original containers and/or spare parts. This translates into direct savings to the citizen when the client belongs to the public sector and almost direct when it is a client from the private sector.

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