Recovery and Recycling

A new life...

a better life.

Recycling is based on subjecting used materials or waste to a transformation or use process so that they can be used again. The idea is to give new life to materials (paper, cardboard, glass, plastics, etc.) by transforming them from their original form or use to a new use or product.

This is very important to minimize the extraction and use of resources, since recycling does not generate a product from scratch, but rather products already created and used are used.

The first step to achieve good recycling is the correct separation of waste. To do this, it is necessary to prevent the different elements from mixing and make it easy to reincorporate them into the production cycle. And, secondly, facilitate the operation and distribution of waste. In this way, the waste or waste we generate is directly or indirectly recovered, and we take advantage of it by reinserting it back into the industrial production cycle to give it a new destination.

We create new raw materials from non-recoverable products.

Innoplast Levante has a recycling service for non-reusable plastic materials. This makes it possible to keep materials out of landfills, converting them again into raw materials that will be used to manufacture new products or objects. Once collected, the material is sorted, cleaned and sent to a plant to be converted into marketable raw materials.

Recycling process

01 Collection

The plastic recycling process begins with collection.

Plastics are available in various forms, for example, plastic containers, jars, bottles, bags, containers, large industrial plastics, among others.

Due to its nature and availability, there are collection centers that collect tons of this material and send them to plastic processing plants.

02 Classification

The second process, sorting, begins by classifying the different items by their resin content and color. This process is also carried out to ensure the elimination of possible contaminants present on the objects.

There are machines specially designed to classify plastics according to their resin content, and after this, the recycling mill classifies the plastic waste by symbols on the lower part of its body.

03 Redesign

The next step is to shred the plastics into tiny pieces or pieces. Once cleaning is complete, the pieces pass through equipment that once again separates the types of plastic resin, to be subjected to moderate heat. Once dry, they are melted to mold small balls known as nurdles. In this state, the plastic is ready to be reused or redesigned into new products, while taking care of the environment.

What can the plastics we recycle become?

A plastic bottle containing juice, water or soft drinks can become millions of things that make human life easier and, in turn, benefit the environment. Containers used for milk, shampoo, laundry detergent and cleaning products, when recycled can become new bottles and containers, plastic lumber, picnic tables, garden furniture, playground equipment, recycling bins, among others.

Plastic grocery bags are sure to keep bread and other foods fresh. But, when recycled, they can be turned into plastic lumber that is used to make park benches, decks, and fences in the backyard of a home or kindergarten. They can also be recycled into new plastic bags and then used again.

Plastic soda, juice and water bottles can be turned into many things, such as: t-shirts, sweaters, jackets, insulation for jackets and sleeping bags, rugs and more bottles. It takes approximately 10 bottles to produce enough fiber to make a fresh, new t-shirt. It takes 63 units to make a sweater and only 14 bottles to create enough insulation for a ski jacket.

The plastic caps and caps on soda or water bottles are a different, stronger type of plastic that can be recycled to create car batteries, garden rakes, recycling containers, reusable shopping bags, twine, rope, brooms, bottle caps, among others.

Finally, the plastic foam packaging that cushions and protects electronics like televisions and video games can be turned into plastic products like insulation, picture frames, construction products, and more foam packaging.

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